Monday, February 23, 2009

Busy Day, Quiet Night

I woke up learning from Amy that Ruth had a fever (subjective) early in the morning. She developed a wet sounding cough possibly contracted from a couple of kids at the birthday party on Saturday. I went to work out and used the showers at the LA Fitness which wasn't too bad. I drove down to BUMC and met Steve Arze for lunch and discussed some possible future roles and ideas. I then helped out with the hands on portion of the ultrasound course put on by Dave Spear and Andy Markowski. It was great seeing emergency physicians from various EDs around DFW, many of them I had worked with or knew indirectly. EM is a small world. I also ran into an nurse from Parkland who was at BUMC now. I also saw Larry Bean, Eugene Gicheru, Eric Daniel, Andy Skiles, and Justin Fleischman all of whom were Parkland EM folks. I came home where Suzanne was taking care of Ruth since Amy had gone to work, and our previous babysitting plans were changed since we didn't want Eliot to get sick if Keri were to come watch Ruth. Suzanne went home so Ruth and I had the whole house to ourselves. We played ball, watched Curious George, danced to the guitar, and ate eggs, fries, cookies, and ice cream (in my defense, she was not feeling great so she had a free pass). We turned the bathroom into a sauna by letting the hot shower run and shut the door so that she could have some "breathing treatments."

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