Monday, April 27, 2009

late entry: Sunday overnight L&D stay

I took Ruth to church while Sally stayed home with Amy. Neil gave me a shout out in regards to relating ED triage to the story of Jesus stopping to help the bleeding woman before the dying girl in Mark 5:21. It was good lesson on not being rushed. I need to learn to be more patient. Ruth and I ate lunch with Michael. At home, we took a nap. I went to work where I later got a call from Amy that she was having a lot of contractions despite orally hydrating so the ob had her go to L&D. She got admitted for overnight. I went to visit her after work. We were fortunate that Sally is in town to stay at home with Ruth.
Philippians 1:20 "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death."
I skipped Ephesians since our small group has been going through this book during the current series. Reading Philippians brings back great memories from when I read it during 1st year of medical school. It is filled with lots of frequently quoted passages that I recognize. This verse reminds me to never be ashamed of the Gospel and to have courage in showing my faith. Prayer for Amy and the twins to avoid complications. Praise that the hospital stay has been a good one with reassuring test results thus far.

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