Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Major decisions I have made in my life

Below is what I put together on April 6, 2011 to describe the decisions we have made.

In February 2011, I was offered the Emergency Department medical director position at a wonderful hospital in a very nice San Antonio neighborhood. I was torn because I didn't want to leave family, friends, Northwest Bible Church, great folks at my ED at Baylor Garland, and everything we had in Dallas, but I also didn't want to let such a great opportunity go. As Amy and I prayed about it, a colleague said he had made major decisions as a result of reading David Platt's book titled "Radical." Platt spoke about the Biblical truth that we are called to make "disciples of the nations." Unfortunately, Americans tend to follow God when it is comfortable or convenient, but not when it takes a sacrifice. I realized that I had been driven to move up the company ladder hoping to be a medical director, regional director, and chief medical officer but was not putting Jesus first in my life. As a response, I decided to join a ministry at my church by moving me and my family to an area that has refugees in need.

Vickery Meadow is an area between Northwest Highway, Greenville Avenue, Park Lane, Pineland Drive, and Skillman Avenue in Dallas which has lots of apartments that house refugees from Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, various African nations, and other countries around the globe. Amy and I are moving our family into one of these apartments in May to build relationships, take them to church, help in which ever way God provides, be an integral part of their community, and most importantly, show them the love of Jesus Christ as a neighbor. Ruth loves one of the two bedrooms that is painted pink and purple. While Amy and I are well aware of the crime and safety statistics (http://www.vickerymeadow.org/), we do not think Ruth fully understands the significance of the bars on the windows. She just wants to go and make new friends. We are excited to have this missions opportunity locally in Dallas. Many of these refugees have been placed in Dallas and are expected to learn English, our culture, and find a job to survive on after a 4 month grace period. Please pray for perseverance and safety as we commit to this move.

I have also stepped down from my role as ED associate medical director at Baylor Garland, given up my position as physician director for main first aid at Cowboys Stadium, and pulled away from my involvement in the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). I loved being active in each of these areas, but I know that much time and energy will be needed to be focus on the people of Vickery Meadow.

I love the following statement from a blog (http://kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html) that Amy has introduced me to. It is written by a young missionary in Africa who is an inspiration to us. She says:
"I want to see Jesus and if I don’t step out, how can He come in? If I don’t give all of myself, my home, even my family, how will He be magnified?
Do I want my children to be safe? Absolutely. Do I want them to have a “normal” family dinner sometimes and be healthy and not be subject to the rage of an alcoholic or the hurt of friends dying and siblings leaving? Of course. But more than that I want to take a cue from my baby girl.
I want to whisper to them excitedly each morning, “Look, Jesus.”
I want them to see Jesus. In my life. In my actions. Lifted High. Magnified. In our neighbors, no matter how sick or dirty. In our home.
I want the best for my children, I do. And I believe with all my heart what is best is for them to have a mother – a crazy mother even – wide-eyed in wonder, recklessly chasing after her Savior.
More of Him. We want to see Jesus."

(For future updates on our move and ministry, follow us at http://kahnsinvickery.blogspot.com as we follow Christ.)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our first day with the kids at Vickery

After over a year and a half away from this blog, I am back! God has radically led us to recommit our lives to Him. After church, we went to eat lunch with Valerie and the Vickery kids. We met Ian, Rachel, and all of the Vickery kids. We got to hang out all afternoon at Valerie's and confirmed that moving to Vickery for the purpose of glorifying God is absolutely what we want to do. We are so excited! We finished David Platt's book "Radical" tonight.